Coima MVD External Dust Extractor


Coima MVD External Dust Extractor

Filtering mini-silos with mechanical shaking cleaning of filters.

Sleeve silo-filter, with structure and casing in sturdy galvanized steel sheet, for outdoor installations. Ideal for the filtration and storage of medium-fine particles and equipped with:

  • filtering battery (in the upper part) with electromechanical shaking cleaning with eccentric motor;
  • step irons, platform and large door with watertight closure for convenient access to the walking surface of the filtering battery during maintenance operations;
  • storage chamber (from 3 to 20 m3 of capacity) with motorized extractor composed of a bridge breaker cone, leaf springs in harmonic steel and sturdy external gear motor.

It allows 3 distinct discharge modes that could be used simultaneously (bag, big-bag, briquetting machine, pneumatic or mechanical transfer, etc.).

The standard version includes complete safety systems against fire and explosion such as: Atex explosion-proof panels, fire water ring complete with sprinkler and Atex certified electronic equipment.