15L Bundle - LCM LC 2/10 Separating agent , 2/30 Cleaning agent, 2/40 Protecting Agent

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Lc 2/10 Separating agent

Lc 2/10 Separating agent is applied effectively to the top and bottom surfaces of the workpiece in front of the form milling cutters. This comprises a fluid which leaves an evaporating protective film on the workpiece.


Lc 2/10 Separating agent is applied by means of the LcM nozzle to the top and bottom of the surface of the workpiece edge areas and thus prevents the escaping adhesive residue from sticking to the workpiece.

Aggregate state Liquid
Color Yellow
Smell Solvent
Initial boiling point 78°C
Burning point 13°C
Density 0,800 g/cm³


Lc 2/30 Cleaning agent

With the innovation among the cleaner liquids, you will achieve a perfect finish on machined surfaces with Lc 2/30 cleaning agent.


Lc 2/30 cleaning agent is applied by means of the LcM nozzle to the top and bottom surface of the workpiece edge areas and assists in the removal of previously applied agents and loose adhesive residue. In addition, Lc 2/30 cleaning agent provides further cooling of the edgebanding and adhesive joint.

Aggregate state Liquid
Color Orange
Smell Solvent
Initial boiling point 55°C
Burning point Below 0°C
Density 0,780 g/cm³


Lc 2/40 Protecting Agent

The Lc 2/40 Protection Agent is used to prevent unintentional contamination during the work process.


Lc 2/40 Protection Agent is applied to the surfaces to be protected by means of the LcM nozzle and thus prevents the escaping adhesive residue, markings or friction or contamination from sticking to the workpiece. In addition, Lc 2/40 Protection Agent prevents the peeling away of the protective film on the edgebanding.

Aggregate state Liquid
Color Blue
Smell Distinctive
Initial boiling point 78°C
Burning point 13°C
Density 0,816 g/cm³